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我們的教會由中華基督教內地會(戴德生所創立的中國內地會)的宣教士創立,。 2012年,來自美國的內地會宣教士馬台恩和蘇慧芬夫婦因著對未得之民的負擔搬到了後庄。從簡單的媽媽小組開始,在公園裡進行小型親子活動並在街頭傳福音。後來我們增加了查經,外展活動,英語課,夏(冬)令營,郊遊和以及在特殊節日的特別活動。 現在我們是一個正在成長的教會,每週日早上十點半舉行主日聚會,並有其他不定期聚會。 我們的第一個福音中心就在吳鳳南路與中華路交會處。我們目前位於中華路618號。關於如何到達我們的教會,請點擊   。



Our church was started by missionaries with OMF International            , originally founded by the well-known missionary Hudson Taylor. Thomas and Jennifer McIntyre, OMF missionaries from the States, moved to Hou-zhuang in 2012 with a burden for reaching the unreached. We began with simple mom’s groups, small activities in the park and street evangelism. Later we added informal Bible studies, outreach activities, English classes, Vacation Bible School, outings, and special activities during major holidays.


Now we are a growing church with Sunday worship services at 10:30 am.


Our first gospel center was near the intersection of Wu-feng S. Road and Zhong-hua Road. We are currently located at Zhong-hua Road #618. For directions to our church, please click here.

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